19/12/2024: Ruben Marcel de Boer leaves the group after his stay with us. Good luck in your Thesis developments!.
17/12/2024: Antonio Ballesteros, master, friend, scientific father and much more has passed away. You will be always in our minds.
12/12/2024: We had our anual lunch at the Goloso-Club de Tiro.
11/12/2024: We’ve been granted with Transmisiones project!!. Let’s make wonderful biocatalysts for a more sustainable planet.
21/11/2024: Miguel gave a lecture at TRENCA, Benicasim.
13/11/2024: Miguel gave an invited lecture at the ESIB-Graz Conference.
01/11/2024: Patricia Gutierrez left the group. Very good luck in your future endeavors!.
22/10/2024: The 6 month meeting of our EU project Blade2Circ took place in ICP-CSIC, Madrid.
04/10/2024: Dianelis, Alex, Julia, Paula, Silvia, Yahan, Andrea and Merve are presenting their thesis projects at the 2nd PosterCat event at ICP-CSIC.
20/09/2024: Ruben Marcel de Boer, from DTU Biosustain Denmark, joins the group for a short-stay in our lab. Welcome!
05/09/2024: Julia, Paula and Silvia attended the IV Jornadas Españolas de Biocatálisis, in San Sebastián, Spain. Paula gave an oral communication about UPOs.
26/08/2024: Miguel gave an invited lecture in BIOCAT, Hamburg, Germany.
25/08/2024: Miguel, Dianelis, Alex and Andrea, with Pati and Ivan from EvoEnzyme, assisted the 11th International Congress on Biocatalysis held in Hamburg, Germany.
19/06/2024: Miguel gave a talk at the Instituto de Química Física Blas Cabrera.
05/06/2024: Carolina Rodriguez presented her TFG.
01/06/2024: Julia Murciano joins de lab for her PhD Thesis studies. Welcome aboard!
17/04/29024: KOM of our new EU project Blade2Circ.
01/03/2024: Patricia Gutierrez returns to the lab for more protein engineering. Welcome back!.
27/02/2024: Julia Murciano presented her TFM.
01/02/2024: Silvia Gabriela Cantaragiu joins the lab as a new PhD student with an FPI grant. Welcome aboard!!
18/01/2024: Our old colleague Toni Glieder from TuGraz visited us.
2023 News:
20/12/2023: Israel is officially staff CSIC scientist. Congrats!!!!!!!!!
20/12/2023: The group Christmas lunch/get-together took place in the Restaurant Club de Tiro.
13/12/2023: We have been granted with a new EU project «Blade2Circ» to work on plastic degradation and upcycling. Let´s go on contributing for a more sustainable world!
23/11/2023: The KOM of PathfinderChallenge Woundsense project, coordinated by EvoEnzyme, took place at the EvoEnzyme headquarters.
17/11/2023: Andrea, David, Dianelis, Julia and Miguel attended the Revoluzion project meeting in Zaragoza.
06/11/2023: Miguel gave a keynote lecture in the REFEP 2023, Queretaro, México.
23/10/2023: Yahan Wu is coming from China to start her PhD studies in our lab. We are pleased to have you here, welcome!
18/10/2023: Paula Sanz is joining David’s CAM Atracción del Talento project as a new PhD student. Welcome to the lab!
15/09/2023: Andrea, Merve, Julia, Mikel and Dianelis participated in the first Scientific-Flash of ICP-CSIC. Congrats all for your wonderful work.
14/09/2023: Alex started his predoctoral stay in Wisconsin-Madison University with Prof. Phil Romero. Enjoy the experience!
13/09/2023: Miguel attended the final EU Implantsens project meeting in Donegal, Irland.
28/08/2023: Miguel returned to the lab after his summer sabbatical stay at Caltech (Frances Arnold lab).
08/08/2023: David Palacios from Universidad de Burgos ended his stay with us. It was a pleasure to host you :).
17/07/2023: David, Mikel, Dianelis, Israel, Dave Upp and Andrea are attending Biotec2023 in Madrid.
28/06/2023: Miguel is travelling back to Prof. Frances H. Arnold laboratory at CALTECH for a summer stay.
26/06/2023: Alex, Dianelis, Pati, Berni, Merve and Mikel are attending Biotrans2023, in La Rochelle, France, where they will show our recent advances in protein engineering. EvoEnzyme is sponsoring the conference.
22/06/2023: The group, EvoEnzyme and F. Plou lab joined together for the classical summer picnic at the Cantoblanco Forest.
22/06/2023: Sara Atienza defended her TFM with great success. Congrats and good luck in your future endeavors.
30/06/2023: Julia Murciano starts her TFM in our lab. Welcome!
26/05/2023: Students from the Master CSIC-UIMP stayed with us for one week to get familiar with directed evolution methods.
24/05/2023: Miguel gave a keynote lecture at SLAS Europe in Brussels.
08/05/2023: Andrea, David, Dianelis and Miguel attended the Revoluzion project meeting in Granada.
13/04/2023: The students of the Master’s Degree in Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology, from Univ. Complutense, visited our lab.
10/03/2023: Our new review is available online! «Unspecific peroxygenases: The pot of gold at the end of the oxyfunctionalization rainbow?», in Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsc.2023.100786
01/03/2023: David Palacios, professor at Universidad de Burgos, joins the group for a short stay. Welcome!
30/02/2023: CSIC president Eloísa del Pino visited ICP and our laboratories.
18/01/2023: Miguel gave the lecture «The revolution of Directed Evolution» in the Master on Integrative Synthetic Biology (UIMP).
2022 News:
21/12/2023: Patricia Gutierrez joins the group. Welcome!
05/12/2022: Noelia Morales from Ruth Perez Lab, CIB-CSIC, joined the group for a short stay.
01/12/2022: Miguel gave a lecture at TrenCA 2022, Benicasim, Spain.
25/11/2022: Israel is new staff CSIC Scientist. Congratulations Isra, fully deserved!!!!.
17/11/2022: Miguel gave a lecture at the Composiforum, Zaragoza.
16/11/2022: 30-month meeting of EU-Bizente project took place in Zaragoza.
16/11/2022: David Upp from University of Chicago joins the group with a JdC-I. Welcome!!!.
14/11/2022: Alina leaves the group. Good luck with your «Mexican» peroxygenase:)
11/11/2022: Eva is new staff CSIC Scientist. Congratulations. You have achieved your objective.
10/11/2022: Pati Gomez de Santos was awarded with the 2º prize Margarita Salas de Investigación. Congrats Pati!!!. Always proud of you. Fully deserved.
13/10/2022: David Gonzalez have got a CAM-talento grant!!!!. Congrats David!!!!.
2/10/2022: Xie Wang leaves the group. Good luck with your laccase microarray:)
1/10/2022: Alina Torres, from Marcela Ayala group, arrived for a short-term stay with us. Welcome!!!.
27/09/2022: Miguel gave a lecture in the Red Argentina de Tecnología Enzimatíca.
19/09/2022: Merve, Miguel, Antonio, Marcos and Karina participated in the ITN-Implantsense summer school in beautiful Biscarrose, France.
04/09/2022: Daniel Mendez leaves the group to enter into the industry world. Very good luck in your new scientific position!!!!.
27/08/2022: Dianelis, Jesús and Andrea attended the 10th International Congress on Biocatalysis (Biocat2022), held in Hamburg (Germany). Also Bernardo J. Gómez, CTO from EvoEnzyme, gave an oral communication on Monday 29th.
14/07/2022: Merve attended the GRC on Biocatalysis, Washington, USA and she was awarded for the best poster presentation.
13/07/2022: Miguel gave a talk and participated in the ESOF Conference, Leiden, Germany.
04/07/2022: Alex and Mikel attended the Oxizymes Conferences, Siena, Italy.
05/07/2022: Lydia Garrido and Karen Díaz ended their rotation program in our lab within the CSIC-UIMP I Master on Integrative Synthetic Biology (MISB). Hope you have learnt much:)
01/07/2022: Pablo Velazquez from UAM and Sara Andrés Campos from UEM, our young evoenzymers, defended with success their corresponding TFM and TFG, respectively. Congrats!.
24/06/2022: Patricia Gomez de Santos has been awarded with the Premio Extraordinario de Tesis Doctoral UAM. Congratulations!!!!!.
15/06/2022: Miguel gave a talk in the workshop organized by SusPlast about biotechnology and plastics circular economy, CIB-CSIC, Madrid.
03/06/2022: Miguel gave a lecture in the VIII National Congress of Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, Valencia.
02/06/2022: Miguel participated in a round table about deep tech within the Repsol Technology Trends Summit 2022, Repsol Headquarters.
31/05/2022: Miguel participated in a jointly workshop within the EU Green Week, to show the advances in Revoluzion project.
19/05/2022: Miguel gave a talk at the Sixth symposium on circular economy and urban mining in beautiful Capri.
07/04/2022: Miguel gave a lecture at the 3rd NC Yeast Series Seminar (Yeast4Bio) from the COST action.
01/04/2022: Xie Wang, from Prof. Nicolas Plumere group -Technische Universität München (TUM), arrives to make a postdoc stay with us. Welcome to our lab:)
01/04/2022: David Gonzalez returned to our group after 4 years of postdoc stay at the Luca Lab, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, USA. Welcome back David!!!!
31/04/2022: Isabel de la Mata and her students from the Industrial Biotechnology Master UCM visit our lab for some lectures and teaching. Thereafter they were getting some practical lessons at EvoEnzyme laboratories in the Scientific Park of Madrid.
10/03/2022: Miguel gave a lecture in the Workshop Origins & Synthesis of Life, LifeHub. IQMRS-CSIC, Madrid.
07/03/2022: the final meeting of the Entrepreneurs fund of Repsol Foundation took place at the general quarters of EvoEnzyme, where the pilot-trial project was successfully developed.
25/02/2022: Miguel gave a lecture in the European Society of Applied Biocatalysis seminars (ESAB) on Enzyme engineering.
31/01/2022: The 18 month review meeting of BBI Bizente project took place.
2021 News:
02/12/2021: Israel participated in TrenCa 2021, Castellón, giving a lecture about the engineering of UPO_AAO fusion biocatalyst.
01/12/2021: Juan Toledo leaves the group. Good luck in your future career!.
30/11/2021: Daniel and Miguel participated in the anual meeting of Eocene Misiones project.
25/11/2021: Alex, Andrea and Mikel participated in the Jornadas Españolas de Biocatálisis, Murcia. Alex and Mikel showed their results in oral presentations. Besides, Xavi and Ivan from EvoEnzyme assisted to the event where Ivan gave a lecture about the work of the company with the Evokit.
11/10/2021: Thomas Reichhtar from Roland Ludwig´s lab arrives to the lab for his ITN internship-secondment. Welcome to the lab!.
08/10/2021: We have been granted with a PoC project -GALILEO- to develop more efficient peroxygenases. Let´s make the peroxygenase dream come true!.
04/10/2021: Alex has been awarded with a FPU fellowship. Congrats!!!!!.
30/09/2021: Our proposal Revoluzion has been approved by the Lineas Estrategicas AEI program. We will truly do our very best to engineer the most powerful enzymes for plastic degradation.
01/09/2021: Juan Toledo, from Isabel de la Mata group, joins the lab for his TFM. Welcome!.
01/09/2021: Our new FPI student Dianelis Toledo joins the group. Welcome to the lab!.
05/08/2021: David has been granted with a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación contract. Congratulations, you fully deserve this!.
26/07/2021: Marta passed her TFG. Congrats and good luck in your future endeavors!.
23/07/2021: Xavi was awarded with the Premio Extraordinario de Tesis Doctoral de la UAM!!!. What a proud…
19/07/2021: The group and EvoEnzyme participated at Biotrans2021.
29/06/2021: Andrea passed her TFM. Congrats!.
22/06/2021: Pati has obtained a Torres Quevedo research contract to join EvoEnzyme. Congrats!.
17/03/2021: Miguel participated in the webinar series of the EXPOQUIMIA BIO green Deal: el camino para una Europa neutra climáticamente.
01/03/2021: Andrea Menes joined the lab. Welcome!.
02/02/2021: Marta Del Pozo joined the laboratory for her TFG studies. Welcome!.
26/01/2021: KOM of Misiones-CDTI project Eocene.
08/01/2021: We start the year with a tremendous snowfall (not usual in Spain).
2020 News:
16/12/2020: Pati Gomez de Santos defended with honors and brilliance her doctoral Thesis. Congrats!!!!!
07/12/2020: The mid-term meeting of EU-ITN Implantsense project took place.
03/12/2020: Miguel gave a lecture at the Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshot Lecture series entitled «Directed evolution of customized fungal ligninases».
27/11/2020: Our laboratory has been granted with the CDTI-Misiones EOCENE project. Let’s push sustainability further!.
26/11/2020: Our group participated in the Open Biocatalysis Day (European Federation of Biotechnology).
26/11/2020: Our spin-off EvoEnzyme was granted with the NEOTEC program. Congrats!
04/11/2020: The 6 month meeting of BBI-EU BIZENTE project took place.
01/11/2020: Miguel Angel Nieto joined EvoEnzyme team.
11/10/2020: Mikel Dolz joined the group with a Jae-Intro fellowships. Welcome!.
01/10/2020: Patricia Molina left the group. Very good luck with your upcoming competition.
01/10/2020: Miguel participated in the round table on Chemistry and Sustainability during the SusChem General assembly.
25/09/2020: Alejandro Beltran and Daniel Mendez joined us. Welcome aboard.
07/07/2020: Our spin-off EvoEnzyme was selected among aprox. 1300 companies all over the world as one of the six startups for the accelerator program of Fundación Repsol!.
06/07/2020: Ivan Mateljak has been granted with a Torres Quevedo contract to join EvoEnzyme.
16/06/2020: We have been granted with our new national project OXYWAVE. Let’s make more peroxygenase evolution!.
20/05/2020: The KOM of BBI-EU Bizente project took place (online due to the Covid crisis).
04/05/2020: The summer school of our ITN-EU project Implantsense took place (online due to the Covid crisis).
31/03/2020: Our group was introduced in the PTI Susplast anual meeting
13/03/2020: Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Plinio, who was forced to return to Brasil because of the Cov19 crisis. Good luck; we will keep in touch!.
04/03/2020: Miguel gave an invited lecture at the Instituto de Química Avanzada de Catalunya (IQAC-CSIC).
01/02/2020: We welcome to the lab the new senior postdoctoral researcher: Dr. Israel Sánchez Moreno, an expert on biocatalysis and organic synthesis!
17/01/2020: Our spin-off EvoEnzyme has been awarded a RIS3 grant for start-ups development!!
17/01/2020: Miguel gave an invited lecture at the III Simposio de la Unidad de Excelencia de Química Aplicada a Biomedicina y Medioambiente, at Universidad de Granada (UGR).
16/01/2020: Merve has arrived at our lab as a new PhD student. Welcome!
2019 News:
21/12/2019: Veronica finished her stay in our lab. Good luck with your next steps!
29/11/2019: Christoph ended his stay with us. Good luck with your future career!
27/11/2019: Miguel gave an invited lecture at the Trends in Enzyme Catalysis (TrenCA) Symposium, Benicassim, Spain.
04/11/2019: Dr. Plinio from Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais of Brasil has joined the lab for a postdoctoral stay. Welcome!
25/10/2019: Kiko and Miguel were both promoted to full CSIC Professors!!!
25/10/2019: Eva was granted with the CAM project to work on plastic removal!. Congrats Eva, this is a big jump in your promising career!!!
18/10/2019: Bernardo Gomez defended his PhD Thesis. We cannot feel more proud of you!
07/10/2019: Pati and Miguel attended the final ENZOX2 meeting, Berlin.
03/10/2019: Xavi Viña defended his PhD Thesis. Congrats, you made it superb!
26/09/2019: Our spin-off EvoEnzyme was recognized with the revelation startup award 2019 by the W-Startup Community. Well done!.https://youtu.be/9qfzzR9QB-I
16/09/2019: Miguel attended the FET-FutureAgriculture III monitor panel, Brussels.
09/09/2019: Christoph Küng from University of Basel joined the group for a short term stay. Welcome!
04/09/2019: Veronica Teymennet from the Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología, UAEM, Mexico joined the group. Welcome!
19/08/2019: Hoang Dat from University of Munich joined the group for a short stay to learn directed evolution methods. Welcome and enjoy your stay with us!
10/07/2019: Miguel gave a lecture at the XIII BAC, Madrid.
08/07/2019: Pati and Xavi attended Biotrans Conference, Groningen.
26/06/2019: Pati returned from her stay with Frank Hollmann with the head full of good ideas!
24/06/2019: Javier Diaz defended his PhD Thesis. Congrats and all the best for your future career!
10/06/2019: Ivan, Eva, and Berni attended the Biotec 2019, Vigo, Spain. Both Berni and Ivan gave two talks.
05/06/2019: Miguel gave a talk at the CIB, Madrid.
04/06/2019: Javi gave a talk at the LignoCel (Miraflores, Madrid).
29/05/2019: Ivan gave a talk at the XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, San Sebastian, Spain.
30/04/2019: Eva attended the KOM of EU-ITN Implantsense project, Limmerick.
31/04/2019: Morgane Valles leaves the lab for her new adventure in Barcelona. Good luck and the best wishes for your future brilliant career.
10/04/2019: Juan Mangas is returning to Manchester. It was a pleasure to host you!. Good luck with your truly promising career.
01/04/2019: The lab organized a one-day workshop on directed evolution for the UCM Master of Industrial Biotechnology.
31/03/2019: Gordana is leaving the lab with some mutant variants in her pockets. We will miss you!-
13/03/2019: Pati starts her stay with Frank Hollmann (TuDelft).
13/03/2019: Miguel gave an invited lecture in the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Madrid.
08/03/2019: Eva García-Ruiz from the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology has returned to our lab after over 5 years abroad. Welcome back!
04/03/2019: Morgane Valles from Cristopher Blanford lab (Manchester Institute of Biotechnology) has joined us for a short-term stay. Enjoy with us!.
04/03/2019: Juan Mangas from Nicolas Turner lab (Manchester Institute of Biotechnology) has joined the group for a short-term stay. Welcome!.
13/02/2019: Miguel gave an invited lecture at the UNED University.
07/02/2019: Miguel visited Martin Weissemborn (Leibniz-Institut for Pflanzenbiochemie, Halle) and gave an invited lecture.
01/02/2019: Gordana Kovacevic from Prof. Radivoje Prodanovic at the Innovation center of the Faculty of Chemistry-University of Belgrade, has joined the group for a short stay. Enjoy your stay!
15/01/2019: The laboratory has been granted with the Synergy CAM project!
2018 News:
17/12/2018: Our spin-off EvoEnzyme was awarded with the first prize of Madrid HealthStart (program of the Madri+d foundation for the launch of start ups in the area of health http://www.madrimasd.org/healthstart/). Congrats to EvoEnzyme team!!!!!!.
10/12/2018: Miguel attended to the Nobel prize events, Stockholm. Frances, thanks so much for such unforgettable days!.
03/12/2018: Miguel gave a talk at the Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales (ICCM-CSIC) entitled: The revolution of directed enzyme evolution.
18/10/2018: Ivan Mateljak defended his PhD Thesis. Congrats!!!. Almost a Jedi….
17/10/2018: Ligia Martins from ITQB Lisboa, visited us.
09/10/2018: Berni, Xavi, Maria and Miguel attended the CPhI Worldwide, Madrid.
08/10/2018: Toni Glieder from TuGraz visited us.
05/10/2018: Miguel attended the FET-FutureAgriculture II monitor panel, London.
28/10/2018: Miguel gave an invited lecture entitled «Directing the evolution of enzymes in the laboratory» at the V Simposium Biocatem, Ensenada, Baja California.
25/10/2018: Miguel visited Rafael Vazquez-Duhaltz and his Research Institute on NanoScience and NanoTechnology, Ensenada, Baja California.
24/10/2018: Xavi and Berni attended BioSpain, Seville.
12/09/2018: Miguel gave an invited lecture entitled «Directed evolution of the synthetic ligninolytic secretome: the case story of unspecific peroxygenase» at the 41 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular SEBBM, Santander.
10/09/2018: Mehdi Imani leaves the group. Good luck in your future projects!.
10/08/2018: Miguel gave an invited lecture entitled «Directed evolution of the ligninolytic secretome» at the Gordon Conference on Lignin, Boston.
26/06/2018: Pati gave a talk at the JEB2018-Oviedo entitled «Selective synthesis of the human drug metabolite 5´-hydroxypropranolol by an evolved self-sufficient peroxygenase«.
25/06/2018: Berni gave a flash talk about consensus laccase design at the JEB2018-Oviedo.
25/06/2018: Miguel gave the opening lecture entitled «Directing the evolution of enzymes in the laboratory» at the JEB2018-Oviedo.
25/06/2018: Pati, Ivan, Berni and Miguel attended the JEB-2018, Oviedo.
11/06/2018: Prof. Mehdi Imani from University of Urmia joins the group. Welcome!.
19/06/2018: Alejandra Alfuzzi passed his TFM exam. Congrats!.
01/05/2018: Andres Rueda from Nicolas Ducet group (INRS, Montréal, Québec, Canada) joins our group. Welcome!
27/04/2018: Xavi started his stay with Toni Glieder at the Technical University of Graz
23/04/2018: David, Eva and Miguel attended the KOM of IronPlug&Play project at TuDelft, The Netherlands
12/04/2018: Pati, Xavi and Miguel attended the 18 month meeting of the ENZOX2 project at TuDelft, The Netherlands
22/03/2018: Sofia leaves the group to join a Biotech Company in her hometown. Good luck in your future research career!
16/03/2018: Miguel gave a lecture at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology
03/03/2018: Sofia Lazaro passed with success her TFM exam. Congrats!
15/02/2018: Patri Gomez de Santos returns from her stay with Frank Hollmann at TuDelft
01/02/2018: Alejandra Alfuzzi joins the group for her TFM project. Welcome!
2017 News:
20/12/2017: Berni returns from his stay with Stefan Lutz.
15/12/2017: Episode VIII releases and fulfill many expectations…
15/12/2017: David and Miguel gave two talks in the Systems and Synthetic Biology Workshop, CIB-CSIC, Madrid.
11/12/2017 Christmas lunch together Kiko´s group at the Goloso Restaurant.
05/12/2017: Jia Wei returns to China. We will miss you!!!.
21/11/2017: Pascal Püllmann returned to Germany. Good luck with your PhD Thesis!.
06/11/2017: Martin Weissenborn from the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry visited us.
24/10/2017: We visited the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
23/10/2017: Pati, Xavi, Jia Wei and Miguel attended the XL SEBBM Conference which took place in Barcelona.
18/10/2017: Pati, Xavi and Miguel participated in the 12-month ENZOX2 meeting at IRNAS, Seville.
16/10/2017: Pascal Püllmann from Martin Weissenborn group (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry) joined the group for a short stay. Welcome!.
10/10/2017: Xavi and Miguel gave two talks at the Lignocel2017, in INIA, Madrid.
28/09/2017: Miguel gave an invited lecture entitled «Directed evolution of a Swiss knife ligninase: the unspecific peroxygenase» in the XXIV Enzyme Engineering Conference, Toulouse, France.
24/09/2017: Miguel and David attended the XXIV Enzyme Engineering Conference in Toulouse, France.
18/08/2017: Bernardo started his new stay with Prof. Stefan Lutz at the Emory University, Atlanta, USA.
04/09/2017: Sofia Lazaro, our new Master student, joins the group. Welcome!.
10/07/2017: Ivan attends the BIOTRANS Conference in Budapest.
03/07/2017: Ivan participates in ITN-BIOENERGY project final symposium in Lyon.
06/07/2017: Leyre from Raul Perez-Jimenez lab (CIC Nanogune) ends her stay with us. Good luck with your ancestral enzyme!.
18/06/2017: Patri Molina and Javi gave two wonderful talks at SEBIOT-2017-Murcia.
25/05/2017: Group party in Miguel house (with paella, sangría, gazpacho…).
25/04/2017: Pati, Xavi and Miguel attend the second periodic meeting of ENZOX2 project in Zittau.
20/04/2017: Berni returns from his australian adventure.
09/03/2017: Isabel Vicente defended with honors her PhD Thesis. Congratulations!!!.
04/03/2017: Berni starts a stay in the Australian National University under the guidance of Prof. Spencer Withney.
23/02/2017: Miguel attends the FET-FutureAgriculture monitor panel, Brussels.
04/02/2017: Our lab manager David and his beautiful girlfriend Carina got married. Congrats!.
31/01/2017: Ivan and Miguel participates in the ITN-Bioenergy Meeting, Warsaw.
2016 News:
31/12/2016: Diana Mate leaves the group to start a thrilling adventure in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Good luck!!!.
19/12/2016: Christmas lunch at el Goloso-Colmenar Restaurant.
16/12/2016: David Gonzalez defended with honors his PhD Thesis. Congratulations!!!.
11/12/2016: Jia-Wei Yang joins the group. Welcome to our lab!
16/11/2016: Miguel gave an invited lecture entitled «Directed evolution of the ligninolytic enzyme consortium» in the European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology; Graz, Austria.
14/11/2016: Patri Molina, Patri Gomez de Santos and Xavi atended the KOM of the ENZOX2 Project at the CIB-CSIC, Madrid.
01/11/2016: Berjand returns to the Netherlands. Good luck in all your endeavors!.
24/10/2016: Patri, Xavi and Miguel attended the 36 meeting of the INDOX Project in Biopolis, Valencia.
17/10/2016: Miguel gave an invited lecture entitled «Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a tool-box for protein engineering by directed evolution» in the Fundación Ramón Areces Symposium on Yeast as versatile testbeds for the life science; Madrid.
06/10/2016: Pati Gómez, Berni and Miguel attended the Lignocel2016, in Jaen. Pati and Berni gave two wonderful talks about their respective projects with HDMs and consensus method.
30/09/2016: The national Project «Lignolution» was approved!. Good news, let´s make more good science.
15/09/2016: Miguel A. Palomino y Solymar del Pino passed their respective TFM with honors. Congrats!.
10/09/2016: Diego Esteban joins us to make his Master Thesis. Welcome to lab!.
07/09/2016: Miguel gave a talk entitled «Directed Evolution: Making a Revolution» in the CTQ-Repsol.
30/07/2016: After almost 15 years, old Caltech mates get together again in Pasadena!.
29/07/2016: Miguel gave a invited talk entitled «My story at the Frances Arnold Lab» in the tribute to Frances Arnold «25 years of Directed Evolution: Reflections of the Arnold Lab» that took place at Caltech, Pasadena, USA.
25/07/2016: The EU Project EnZox2 was approved. Gongrats to the whole consortium!.
23/06/2016: Prof. Willem van Berkel from Wageningen University visited the lab.
21/06/2016: Miguel gave a talk in the LignoBiotech 2016 Conference in Madrid. Patri and Ivan also attended the congress.
21/06/2016: Huimin Zhao joined us for some tapas in Madrid oldtown.
13/06/2016: Miguel gave an invited talk entitled «Directed evolution: engineering the ligninolytic enzyme consortium» at the EMBO Biocatalysis Conference, Oulu, Finland.
07/06/2016: Diana and Berni attended the Biotech2016, Salamanca, Spain.
24/05/2016: Spring lunch in the forest of Cantoblanco University.
06/05/2016: The second meeting of CoExCo Project took place in Repsol headquarters.
02/05/2016: Berndjan Eenik from Willem Van Berkel lab joined the group. Welcome!
19/04/2016: Patricia, Xavi and Miguel attended the 30-month meeting of INDOX Project, Marseille, France.
31/03/2016: Patricia Molina defended with honors her PhD Thesis. Congratulations!!!.
14/03/2016: Miguel gave an invited lecture entitled «Engineering the ligninolytic enzyme armoury by directed evolution» in the Industrial Biotechnology Forum, IBF-Munich.
14/03/2016: Ivan Mateljak participated in the mid-term Bioenergy Meeting in Limmerick, Irland.
09/03/2016: Azar ended her stay with us. Good luck with your Thesis!.
20/02/2016: Miguel Arcángel Palomino and Solymar del Pino joined the group as new Master students.
12/01/2016: David Gonzalez moved to Sheffield, UK to make a stay with Prof. Tuck Seng Wong.
07/01/2016: After postdoctoring two years in Schwaneberg group, Diana Mate returned to our laboratory. Welcome back!.
04/01/2016: Kat Elbl returned to Germany. We will miss you..may the force be with you during your Master Thesis writing!.
2015 News:
27/11/2015: Natalia and Joaquin returned to their respective countries after their stay with us. We will miss you; the best luck in your future endeavors!.
23/11/2015: Xavi and Kat made a short stay with Paco Valero (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) to learn techniques on protein production in bioreactors.
26/10/2015: Miguel gave a talk entitled: «Beyond the outer limits of nature by directed evolution» in the Synthetic Biology meets Metabolic Engineering: a DRIBB-CNB/CSIC Workshop on advanced approaches to designing Smart Cell Factories. CNB, Madrid.
01/10/2015: Javier and Xavi gave two talks about their work in the XVII meeting of the Lignocel network, CIB, CSIC, Madrid.
29/09/2015: 24-month meeting of INDOX Project, Naples, Italy.
23/09/2015: first-year meeting of CAMBIOS Project, CIB, CSIC, Madrid.
17/09/2015: 12-month meeting of Repsol-ICP Project; Repsol-CTQ, Mostoles, Madrid.
10/09/2015: Midterm review meeting of the ITN BIOENERGY Project, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
01/09/2015: Three new students join the group (Azar Delavari from UPC, Barcelona; Natalia Kwiatos from Lodz University of Technology, Poland and Joaquin Ramírez from Universidad Autónoma de México).
26/07/2015: Xavi and Patri attended to Biotrans2015, Vienna.
23/07/2015: Congratulations to Carmen for passing her Master Thesis exam!. Have a happy summer!.
11/07/2015: Elvin returned to his country after a frutiful stay with us. We will miss you!.
31/06/2015: Macarena returned to Abengoa (you are always very welcome to our lab).
15/06/2015: Miguel arrived to Caltech for a summer stay with Frances.
26/05/2015: Spring «hicking» and international lunch at the forest of Cantoblanco. Delicatessens from all lab members were put together in a strong competition while drinking cold-beers.
11/05/2015: Macarena Lopez Morales from Abengoa Research joined the lab. Welcome!.
10/05/2015: Berni returned to the lab after a short stay in Sánchez-Ruiz group. Welcome back.
03/05/2015: Prof. Elvin Iguarta-Nieves, from Pontifical University of Puerto Rico joined the group for a short stay. Welcome!.
16/04/2015: 8-month meeting of the Repsol-ICP project took place at Repsol-CTQ headquarters, Mostoles, Madrid.
08/04/2015: Patri, David, Isa and Miguel attended to the 18-month meeting of INDOX Project at BOKU University, Vienna.
07/04/2015: Miguel gave a talk entitled «Directed molecular evolution» at the Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas.
30/04/2015. Ivan participated in the 2nd meeting of the ITN-Bioenergy Project, which took place in Southampton, UK.
23/03/2015: Katarina Elbl starts her stay in our lab. Welcome!.
18/02/2015: Patri, Ivan and Miguel participated in the Protein Engineering Workshop of the Bioenergy Project which took place in the BOKU University, Vienna.
02/02/2015: Graduate student Carmen Paret joined the group, welcome to the lab!.
27/01/2015: Dr. Seema Singh from the Joint Bioenergy Institute (USA Department of Energy) visited the lab and gave a talk entiled «Enabling the next-generation of advanced biofuels«
2014 News:
16/12/2014: 4-month meeting of the Repsol-ICP project at Repsol-CTQ, Madrid.
12/12/2014: Mar Lopez Peregrin ended her stay with us. The best of luck with your PhD defense and your selecases!.
28/11/2014: The CAMBIOS Project KOM took place in Abengoa Research headquarters, Seville.
21/10/2014: Xavi, David, Patri and Miguel participated in the 12-month FP7-Indox Meeting in Wageningen.
2/09/2014: Isa, Ivan and Miguel spent the whole week in the Summer School of Bioenergy Project (the D´Oleron) where good science, wine and katamaran were nicely combined.
17/09/2014: The ABG joined for lunch at the Casa de Córdoba (delicious salmorejo among other delicatesssens). Thanks so much for the invitation Antonio!.
11/09/2014: Patricia Molina gave a talk entitled «Evolución dirigida de una peroxigenasa inespecífica, un biocatalizador altamente promiscuo y selectivo» in the Group meeting of Molecular Biotechnology of the XXXVII SEEBM Congress, Granada.
11/09/2014: Miguel gave an invited talk entitled «Directed enzyme evolution: rational thoughts for non-rational experiments» in the Simposium of Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology of the XXXVII SEBBM Congress, Granada.
10/09/2014: Miguel visited the Jose Manuel Sánchez-Ruiz laboratory, at the University of Granada.
03/07/2014: Miguel gave an invited talk entitled «Enzyme engineering by directed evolution: looking for a needle in a haystack» at the BIOTEC2014, Madrid.
30/06/2014: Mar López-Pelegrin from Xavier Gömis-Ruth laboratory (IBMB-CSIC) visited us for a short stay. Welcome lady!.
24/06/2014: David, Javi and Xavi attended to the 13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosic and Pulp (EWLP), Seville.
16/06/2014: Miguel gave an invited talk entitled «Directed enzyme evolution: Walking in the darkness?» at the Protein Multiverse Conference, Madrid.
04/05/2014: The laboratory was granted with a National Project 2014-2017… let´s do more evolution!.
Patri and Berni travelled to Sienna to attend to the training-school of the Systems Biocatalysis COST-Action.
26/04/2014: Miguel was promoted to CSIC Scientist Researcher.
23/04/2014: Jaime Rojas (undergraduate student) finished his stay with us. Good luck in your future endeavors!.
19/04/2014: Valeria visited us again for more evolution rounds.
10/04/2014: Kick-Off Meeting of the COST-Action Systems Biocatalysis took place at the CSIC headquarters in Madrid. Miguel gave a talk entitled «Directed evolution of versatile peroxidases and unspecific peroxygenases«.
08/04/2014: Huimin Zhao, Volker Sieber (old Caltech alumni) joined us for the MECP2014. We enjoyed along with Indox partners of good science and paella.
08/04/2014: Miguel gave a talk entitled «Directed Evolution of Ligninolytic consortium» at the MECP2014 Conference in Madrid.
03/04/2014: The group participated in the «VIII Reunión de la Red Nacional de Proteínas«, which took place in the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, CNB-CSIC, Madrid. Patricia gave a talk entitled: » Engineering of Unspecific Peroxygenase by Directed Evolution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae«
02/04/2014: Indox EU-Project 6-month meeting took place at the CSIC-headquarters in Brussels.
24/02/2014: Ivan Mateljak (Marie Curie fellow) and Jaime Rojas (undergraduate student) join the group.
13/01/2014: Valeria and Adela (J.M. Sánchez-Ruiz group, Univ. Granada) have just arrived for a short stay with us. Welcome ladies!.
2013 News:
21/12/2013: After 5 intense and productive years with us, our new Jedi knight Diana Maté leaves the group to join the Ulrich Schwaneberg group, at the Institute of Biotechnology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Good luck in this exciting adventure!!!.
18/12/2013: Nicolas Alcalde was born in Doce de Octubre Hospital. The little padawan weighed 3,840 gr.
11/12/2013: The group participated in the SimBioCat at the ICP, Madrid.
19/11/2013: Indox EU-Project kick off meeting took place at CIB, Madrid.
18/11/2013: Peroxicats EU-Project Final Meeting took place at CIB, Madrid.
08/11/2013: Mar López and Joan López from Proteolysis Lab (Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona -IBMB-CSIC- visited us.
05/11/2013: Prof. José Manuel Sánchez-Ruiz from University of Granada visited us and gave an impressive talk about enzyme resurrection.
23/10/2013: Repsol-ICP 12-month meeting took place at the CTQ of Repsol, Mostoles, Madrid.
26/09/2013: David and Patri gave two nice talks at the LignoCel Conference (Pontevedra, Spain).
20/09/2013: Group dinner at Miguel´s place (we all enjoyed of delicious paella -among other delicatessens- cooked by my beautiful wife).
06/09/2013: Javier Martín and Bernardo Gómez participated at the XXII SEBBM Congress.
02/07/2013: After 6 wonderful years with us, our lab manager and friend, Eva García, leaves us to join Huimin Zhao laboratory at the Urbana-Champaign University (Illinois). Good luck in this beutiful new adventure Eva!.
01/07/2013: 9-month meeting of the Repsol-ICP project at the Institute of Catalysis.
26/06/2013: Kiko made a wonderful performance at the Theatre School of Montecarmelo. It was so hilarious!!
26/06/2013: Xavier Viña defended his Master Thesis entitled «Chimeric signal peptides for functional expression of aryl alcohol oxidase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae«.
25/06/2013: Diana defended with honors her European PhD Thesis. Congrats!.
24/06/2013: Prof. Ulrich Schwaneberg (old friend from Caltech times, now at the University of Aachen) visited us.
19/06/2013: Summer «hicking» and lunch at the forest of Cantoblanco. Delicious tortilla de patatas, croquetas, empanadillas etc were baked by the different group members. David, please, next time don´t forget to put beers on ice!.
06/06/2013: Diana´s Thesis Defense has been scheduled for next June 25th at the ICP Conference room. All of you are very welcome to the event. Title of PhD Thesis: «Engineering fungal laccases active in blood by directed evolution».
28/05/2013: Peroxicats 24-month EU project-meeting took place in Zittau, Germany.
15/05/2013: Indox FP7-proposal was succesfully evaluated!. Exciting times for our lab are coming up.
28/04/2013: Diana Maté has been selected as one of the 625 your researchers from 78 countries to participate in the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (well done Diana!).
25/04/2013: Miguel gave a talk entitled «Beyond the nature limits by directed evolution» at the CIB-CSIC, Madrid.
24/04/2013: Group Lunch at «Knife» (Local Argentinan Restaurant).
15/04/2013: Our website has been officially released.
26/03/2013: The new ITN European Project «Bioenergy» was succesfully evaluated!. Great job of this wonderful consortium. Looking forward to starting this new adventure together.
18/03/2013: Project Meeting (ICP-Repsol) at the CTR of Repsol (Mostoles, Madrid).
22/02/2013: Blood tolerant laccase paper released in Chemistry & Biology.
07/02/2013: Evofacel Project. Second annual meeting, ICP, Madrid.
14/12/2013: Miguel visited the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and gave a talk entitled: «Directed evolution: A wonderful walk from nature to biotechnological settings«.